Multi-Arch Images

Multi-Arch Container Images Normally when building containers the target hardware is not even a consideration, a dockerfile is built and the images are pushed to a registry somewhere. The reality is all of these images are specific to a platform consisting of both an OS and an architecture. Even in the V1 Image specification both of these fields are defined. With this specification you are able to at least know if the image would run on a target, but each reference was specific to an image for a specific platform, so you might have busybox:1-arm64 and busybox:1-ppc64le.

Nuttx QEMU x86 Part 2

NuttX on x86 with QEMU Part 2ish Well first off it seems that I failed at actually keeping this up to-date. To be honest I forgot about this entirely until someone asked me about something related to NuttX. I got distracted focusing into GNURadio and a few related projects that I should also get around to writing about. Shortly after the last post I started to dig into to supporting at least 32bit, but quickly ran into odd behavior switching tasks, a rather important feature of the OS.

Nuttx QEMU x86 Part 1

Nuttx About 5 years back at a previous job I discovered the Nuttx project and it has the ambitious goal of trying to provide as close to a POSIX like OS for embedded applications. The vast majority of the code has been written by Greg Nutt, but in the last couple years others have been making considerable contributions especially for supporting more boards and chips. One of the areas that I have wanted to be contributing more to is adding support for more devices, especially USB ones.

Hosting the Site

Setting Up This Site With Netlify I have used GitHub and GitLab pages before, but in my experience I always have to do more configuration than I want to do, and eventually I just stop writing any content. A few weeks back I came across Netlify as a solution that works out of the box with Jekyll and Hugo among others. It also has a bunch of other functionality for building things like forms that I do not need, but I could see that being useful another time.